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Falkland Islands tension as UK launches military exercise under Argentina’s nose

Falkland Islands tension as UK launches military exercise under Argentina’s nose

British troops have been conducting exercises on and around the Falkland Islands amid growing tensions between the UK and Argentina over the sovereignty of the territory. The Royal Navy, RAF, the Roulement Infantry Company and the Falkland Islands Defence Force carried out drills on July 12, with images of the actions shared on official social media...

Falkland tensions explode as Argentina ‘rejects illegal British action’

Falkland tensions explode as Argentina ‘rejects illegal British action’

Argentina has slammed the UK’s plans to drill for oil in the Falklands, accusing Britain of trying to illegally plunder its hydrocarbon assets and of violating its sovereignty. The oil field in question is located 220km north of the Falkland Islands and is believed to contain more than 300 million barrels of oil. The licence...