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British nuclear submarine missile MISFIRES and ‘plops’ into the ocean as Defence Secretary watches on in latest naval embarrassment

British nuclear submarine missile MISFIRES and ‘plops’ into the ocean as Defence Secretary watches on in latest naval embarrassment

Britain has botched another nuclear submarine test after a Trident missile ‘dramatically misfired’ and crashed into the ocean, it has emerged. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed an ‘anomaly occurred’ during an exercise that took place on January 30 onboard the nuclear-powered submarine HMS Vanguard.  The Trident 2 successfully ‘left the submarine’, but its...

FBI director warns China’s computer attacks are now at a ‘scale greater than we’d seen before’ as vulnerable critical infrastructure remains at high-risk to be targeted

FBI director warns China’s computer attacks are now at a ‘scale greater than we’d seen before’ as vulnerable critical infrastructure remains at high-risk to be targeted

China‘s cyber attacks have grown to a ‘scale greater than we’d seen before’, the FBI director has advised amid fears that US infrastructure is under threat.  Christopher Wray gave the grave warning as intelligence chiefs and politicians met at the Munich annual security conference on Sunday, according to the Wall Street Journal.   The wars raging...