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UK banks face redundancies while ‘deadwood’ colleagues in Europe keep jobs

UK banks face redundancies while ‘deadwood’ colleagues in Europe keep jobs

Bankers in Britain have lashed out at European labour laws which mean “deadwood” colleagues on the continent keep their jobs despite redundancy drives. Strict labour laws in Europe are said to have triggered a re-think among executives whose firms expanded there because of Brexit. An unnamed executive told the Daily Telegraph when redundancies occur it...

EU and Britain hold first talks to ‘reset’ ties after UK vote

EU and Britain hold first talks to ‘reset’ ties after UK vote

“As we work to reset the relationship, we discussed strengthening security and economic cooperation – to create a safer and more prosperous Europe,” Thomas-Symonds wrote on X. Britain’s Prime Minister Keir Starmer in Berlin on Sunday. Photo: AFP Sefcovic described the meeting as constructive and said he was “looking forward to our cooperation”. Britain’s new...

Starmer goes to Washington on first foreign trip as UK PM

Starmer goes to Washington on first foreign trip as UK PM

“It will be an opportunity for him to learn and get to know other leaders as much as to communicate any particular messages,” foreign policy expert James Strong told Agence France-Presse. Britain’s previous Conservative government was one of Ukraine’s staunchest allies, providing money, weapons and troop training to help it repel Russia’s invasion. Starmer has...

Two major stories explain the rise of Labour in the UK: the first is Britons’ disillusionment with the Tories

Two major stories explain the rise of Labour in the UK: the first is Britons’ disillusionment with the Tories

The apparent Labour landslide installing Sir Keir Starmer as Britain’s new prime minister was a widely expected outcome in an otherwise unstable world. The exit poll taken across the UK indicates that the anticipated landslide has occurred. In the UK, this exit poll is generally reliable. Jointly funded and organised by the BBC, Sky UK...

Exit poll suggests huge majority for Labour in U.K. election | CBC News

Exit poll suggests huge majority for Labour in U.K. election | CBC News

Britain’s Labour Party was headed for a huge majority in Britain’s election on Thursday, an exit poll suggested, against a gloomy backdrop of economic malaise, mounting distrust in institutions and a fraying social fabric. The poll, released moments after voting closed in the parliamentary election, indicated that Labour Leader Keir Starmer will be the country’s...

Vote-ready UK waits to scoop up Brexit boost

Vote-ready UK waits to scoop up Brexit boost

Eight years after Britain voted for Brexit, businesses still lament economic fallout caused by the country’s departure from the European Union, with little prospect of change after this week’s election. Vote-ready UK waits to scoop up Brexit boost “After Brexit, I had to close my second shop to cut my loss,” ice-cream parlour owner Diego...

In final days before UK election, PM Rishi Sunak insists he can stay in power

In final days before UK election, PM Rishi Sunak insists he can stay in power

“It’s entirely wrong, this kind of declinist narrative that people have of the UK. I wholeheartedly reject,” he said. “It [the UK] is a better place to live than it was in 2010.’’ After 14 years of Conservative-led governments, many voters blame the party for Britain’s cost-of-living crisis, long waiting lists for healthcare, high levels...

Tory Remainers are the authors of their party’s defeat

Tory Remainers are the authors of their party’s defeat

The oddity of European politics is that Britain is moving sharply to the Left while most of the Continent is moving even further to the Right. In Britain, young people and even the middle aged are abandoning Conservatism. Elsewhere in Europe, the young are the pillars of a radical Right-wing upsurge. On the Continent, the...

European Job Seekers Turn Away From UK After Brexit

European Job Seekers Turn Away From UK After Brexit

Irish workers have been making the short trip over to the UK to find employment for centuries, escaping famine and more recently the aftermath of the financial crisis. But new data suggests that job seekers from across the Irish Sea are drying up after Britain’s departure from the European Union amplified a growing anti-immigrant tone...

No Brexit renegotiation without free movement, warns Barnier

No Brexit renegotiation without free movement, warns Barnier

Mr Barnier, who negotiated Britain’s split from the EU and the future trade agreement, told The Telegraph that the bloc would welcome fresh talks but would not ease its previous red lines. He said: “It is one thing to say that we can revisit the relationship between the UK and the EU, and in the...

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