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Tag: British Museum

Artist swaps British Museum coin with fake

Artist swaps British Museum coin with fake

Jul 22, 2024 10:32 AM IST BRITAIN-MUSEUM/ARTIST (PIX):Artist swaps British Museum coin with fake By Hani Richter Artist swaps British Museum coin with fake July 22 – A Brazilian conceptual artist swapped a historic British coin for a fake in the British Museum to highlight the large number of foreign objects it holds. Ile Sartuzi said the...

Greeks get shirty over British Museum’s Elgin Marbles fashion show

Greeks get shirty over British Museum’s Elgin Marbles fashion show

She added that the phot shoot at the Acropolis, of a collection “inspired by ancient Greece” and made in collaboration with Greek artists, took place while the landmark was closed and the models were photographed “motionless, just like statues”. “The fashion show at the British Museum was held in the Duveen Gallery, in an enclosed...