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Is James Timpson the most dangerous man in Britain?

Is James Timpson the most dangerous man in Britain?

It has long been unfashionable to say this too loudly in Westminster, but prisons are vital to public safety and cutting crime. We need more of them. Unsurprisingly, Labour’s newly appointed Prisons Minister James Timpson doesn’t agree. A key-cutting CEO turned prison reformer, he has a history of employing former inmates. He was until recently...

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch cleared in bn US fraud trial

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch cleared in $11bn US fraud trial

Autonomy, founded in Cambridge in 1996, was a member of the FTSE 100 and one of Britain’s most valuable software companies before its sale. Mr Lynch made £500m from the deal, using the funds to set up companies including the British cybersecurity company Darktrace. HP wrote down almost all of the deal’s value a year...

WORLD EXCLUSIVE – BOMBSHELL LUCAN DOSSIER: The explosive case file that reveals the truth about Lord Lucan and the nanny he bludgeoned to death – PLUS a world-first podcast event on Britain’s most notorious murder

WORLD EXCLUSIVE – BOMBSHELL LUCAN DOSSIER: The explosive case file that reveals the truth about Lord Lucan and the nanny he bludgeoned to death – PLUS a world-first podcast event on Britain’s most notorious murder

The Mail has obtained a sensational, never-before-seen Scotland Yard report from almost 50 years ago that finally reveals the definitive account of the Lord Lucan mystery. The newly discovered, previously confidential 60-page document chronicles in astonishing detail the Crown’s case against the missing peer, suspected of bludgeoning his children’s nanny Sandra Rivett to death with...

Britain has become the welfare state for the world

Britain has become the welfare state for the world

New properties were being built. Designer clothes were suddenly evident everywhere. And the whole place was flush with cash. When Inspector Vassil Panayotov, a determined copper who could have stepped straight out of an old-fashioned detective mystery, noticed how much money was swilling around the Bulgarian village of Sliven, in the foothills of the Balkan...

China accuses Britain of ‘wanton stigmatisation’ after spy found dead

China accuses Britain of ‘wanton stigmatisation’ after spy found dead

China has accused Britain of false accusation, “wanton stigmatisation” and arbitrary arrests after the unexplained death of a man charged with illegally assisting Hong Kong’s foreign intelligence service. China’s foreign ministry office in Hong Kong said in a statement on its website that it strongly condemned Britain for what it said were false accusations against...

Lawless Britain: Shopping centre cleaners given STAB-PROOF VESTS after surge in violence

Lawless Britain: Shopping centre cleaners given STAB-PROOF VESTS after surge in violence

Cleaners at a shopping centre in Kent have been given stab-proof vests following a surge in violence against workers. “Front-of-house” staff at County Square in Ashford have been issued hi-vis protective gear – which costs up to £600 – after other employees had been assaulted. Security guards at the centre have been wearing protective clothing...

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