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‘Only one British applicant out of 200’: how the UK lost its work ethic

‘Only one British applicant out of 200’: how the UK lost its work ethic

Battered by the financial crisis and pandemic, Britain has lost its culture of risk-taking. In the third of a special election series, The Telegraph examines how this has affected the economy and whether Labour can bring swashbuckling back to the City. When Stuart Forrester and his wife founded their business and marketing consultancy in 2006,...

I had a happy family and a good job as a GP – but I decided to kill myself

I had a happy family and a good job as a GP – but I decided to kill myself

Amandip Sidhu’s charity has helped more than 3,000 people since it was set up, offering, among other things, weekly drop-in Zoom support groups. ‘We hear time and time again that more and more GPs are working longer hours. They don’t just see patients, there is a huge amount of administration and bureaucracy,’ he says. ‘There...