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WORLD EXCLUSIVE – BOMBSHELL LUCAN DOSSIER: The explosive case file that reveals the truth about Lord Lucan and the nanny he bludgeoned to death – PLUS a world-first podcast event on Britain’s most notorious murder

WORLD EXCLUSIVE – BOMBSHELL LUCAN DOSSIER: The explosive case file that reveals the truth about Lord Lucan and the nanny he bludgeoned to death – PLUS a world-first podcast event on Britain’s most notorious murder

The Mail has obtained a sensational, never-before-seen Scotland Yard report from almost 50 years ago that finally reveals the definitive account of the Lord Lucan mystery. The newly discovered, previously confidential 60-page document chronicles in astonishing detail the Crown’s case against the missing peer, suspected of bludgeoning his children’s nanny Sandra Rivett to death with...